The Actions to Take When Your Casual Datingual Partner Develops Emotions

May 11, 2023 | Hookup Advices

Casual sex relationships offer freedom and lack of commitment, but they can quickly become complicated when one person becomes emotionally attached. Signs to look out for include more frequent communication and interest in meeting friends or going on dates. It’s crucial to be honest and clear with your casual sex partner and set boundaries about emotional support and intimacy. Taking a break may be necessary to reassess feelings, but if the partner is unable to accept boundaries, ending the relationship may be best. Kindness and respect should be maintained throughout, and it’s important not to be too hard on yourself as feelings can be unpredictable.

When Casual Dating Gets Complicated: What to Do When Your Hookup Gets Attached

The Rise of Casual Dating Relationships

Casual sex relationships have become increasingly popular over recent years, with many people opting for the freedom and lack of commitment that these arrangements can offer. However, these relationships can quickly become complicated when one person starts to catch feelings and the other person doesn’t feel the same way. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to know how to handle it with sensitivity and care.

Recognize the Signs

The first step in dealing with an attached casual sex partner is to recognize the signs. Pay attention to their behavior and language. Are they starting to text or call you more frequently? Do they ask about your plans and what you’re doing when you’re not with them? Have they started to bring up the idea of going on dates or meeting your friends? These are all signs that your hookup may be developing feelings beyond just pure physical attraction.

Be Honest and Clear

Once you’ve recognized the signs, it’s essential to be honest and clear with your casual sex partner. It may be uncomfortable to have this conversation, but it’s crucial to avoid leading them on or giving them false hope. Let them know that you value their company but that you are not looking for a relationship. Emphasize that this is not a personal rejection, but rather a mutual agreement that the relationship is casual and non-exclusive.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential in any relationship, but it’s especially important in casual sex relationships that have the potential to become complicated. If your hookup is attached, it’s important to be clear about what you are and are not willing to offer in terms of emotional support and intimacy. Be honest about your own needs and what you’re looking for in the relationship. Encourage your partner to do the same so that you can both make informed decisions about how to proceed.

Take a Break

If your casual sex partner is becoming too attached, it may be necessary to take a break from the relationship. This does not necessarily mean that the relationship needs to end, but rather that you both need space to reassess your feelings and expectations. If you both agree to take a break, set a specific amount of time and commit to not seeing or communicating with each other during that period. This break may help your partner distance themselves emotionally and avoid further complications.

End the Relationship

If your casual sex partner is unable to accept your boundaries and continues to push for more emotional closeness, it may be best to end the relationship altogether. This is never an easy decision, but it’s important to prioritize your own emotional wellbeing and avoid leading your partner on. If you decide to end the relationship, be clear and direct about your reasons. Don’t give false hope or make promises you can’t keep.

Stay Kind and Respectful

No matter what approach you take, it’s important to stay kind and respectful to your casual sex partner. Remember that they are human and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, even if you’re not interested in a relationship with them. Avoid ghosting or cutting off communication abruptly. If you need space, communicate that clearly, but do so with empathy and understanding.

Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself

Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself if the relationship becomes complicated. Casual sex relationships are inherently risky and can be hard to navigate, even with the best intentions. Recognize that feelings can be unpredictable and that both you and your partner are vulnerable to getting hurt. Give yourself space to process your emotions and move forward with kindness and compassion towards yourself and your partner.


In summary, when your casual sex partner gets attached, it’s important to recognize the signs, be honest and clear, set boundaries, and prioritize your own emotional wellbeing. While it’s not always easy, handling these situations with care and empathy can prevent further complications and maintain healthy relationships. Remember that communication and kindness are key, and don’t be too hard on yourself if the relationship doesn’t go as planned.